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Аудиосистема Kolpin Universal UTV Roof Mount Stereo Console KOL4433

Аудиосистема Kolpin Universal UTV Roof Mount Stereo Console KOL4433
Аудиосистема Kolpin Universal UTV Roof Mount Stereo Console KOL4433
Аудиосистема Kolpin Universal UTV Roof Mount Stereo Console KOL4433
Аудиосистема Kolpin Universal UTV Roof Mount Stereo Console KOL4433
35 720
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35 720
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Heavy duty, Rotomolded, and uv-stabilized LLDPE (linear low-density polyethylene) construction Universal mounting Includes two marine-grade, 75W speakers built in Dimensions: 18" l x 11" w x 6" h Made in the USA Face Plate Features: JBL REM-45S weatherproof, marine-grade wired remote with display Weatherproof - backlit silicone rubber membranes Two-line display Adjustable bass, treble, fader and balance Includes amplified antenna Amplifier Features: JBL RBB-10 Siriusr 3.0-ready AM/FM (requires additional software) Black Box Portable Media Edition Rust-proof, splash resistant housing MP3 and USB 2.0 inputs AM/FM with European tuning 45 x 4 watts Speaker Features: 60-watt, 5" round bi-cone speakers Coaxial with 1-1/2" tweeter All-molded, waterproof design 

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